are used when surgery is needed for your dog. Your veterinary surgeon will advise you of the necessity of withholding food prior to the administration of anaesthesia, and also on post-operative care.


are a pair of blind sacs, each about the size of a small hazelnut, situated below and either side of the dogs anus. These glands are secrete a paste-like substance with a strong and quite unpleasant smell, designed for use in territorial marking. The glands are rather inefficient at emptying themselves and sometimes become overfilled and distended,giving rise to pain and discomfort. This causes the affected dog to 'toboggan' across the floor ina sitting position. Other affected dogs lick incessantly at the area, or make sudden movements as though they have just been stung by insects. If your dog has regular problems with its anal glands, ask your veterinary surgeon to show you how to empty them yourself. Neglected and impacted glands are most painful and often lead to the formation of abscesses and a very sick, and unhappy dog. The glands can be surgically removed if they present recurring problems, but preventive measures are really best. These consist of feeding your dog so that its motions are always well formed and passed daily,encourage the regular milking-out of the anal glands in the natural way.


are drugs used in the treatment of secondary bacterial infections, not being effective against the primary virus. The veterinary surgeon prescribes the correct dose which must be given over a prescribed period of time,as it is the complete course of treatment which effects the cure. Never keep unused antibiotics in the medicine cupboard ; they have a limited lifespan, and out-of-date products may harm if given indiscriminately.


should be selected and used with great care ; some are very toxic, and others, for cleaning wounds, are destructive to cells and retard rather than aid healing. For first aid, cleanse wounds with well-diluted hydrogen peroxide, then rinse with salt water as a neutralizer.


may be given if your dog has received some form of shock and appears to be dead. Lay the dog on its side with its head lower than the rest of its body. Place one hand flatly over the upper side of its abdomen and the other hand on the ribcage, then lean on your hands for a second or two before releasing the pressure. Repeat the movement rhythmically with a slight pause between each movement. Keep up the massage until professional help arrives, and remember that as long as you can detect a heartbeat there is hope of recovery.


should not be given to your dog without seeking veterinary advise first, as it is injurious to the membranes of the stomach. Most human medicines are totally unsuitable for use in dogs, and your dog should not be dosed with any substance without veterinary advice.


from another dog can cause puncture wounds or tears. The area should be carefully cleaned and watched in case an infection introduced beneath the skin causes abscesses to form. Clip the hair away from the edges of such wound and keep it open by daily bathing, so that it heals slowly from within.


a bacterial infection which can cause abortion and also fading puppies. In many countries a clearance certificate is required before a bitch will be accepted for mating.


is inflammation of the eye and may be caused by a number of factors, such as mechanical agents, viruses and bacteria infection or a foreign body entering the eye. Bathing is necessary to clean away the discharges,bathe with cold water or a diluted solution of boric acid made up for opthalmic use,obtainable from a pharmacy,followed by the application of an eye ointment, prescribed by the veterinary surgeon and squeezed along the inside of the lower lid. If there is no improvement within 48 hours consult your vet.


can sometimes be help with a dessert spoon of liquid paraffin or a small amount of liver, that should do the trick,but if it persists and the dog keeps on straining a blockage of the bowel can be suspect. Seek veterinary advice.


of the retching type sound as thought the dog as something caught in its throat. If there is no obstruction, then it could be kennel cough,kennel cough (parinfluenza) can take a variety of different forms, and all forms are highly contagious,it is a infectious bronchial virus which is dangerous in young puppies. Waste no time in seeking veterinary aid and,in the meantime,keep your dog warm and quiet and allow it to lick a little honey from a teaspoon.


must be carefully cleaned and disinfected. If jagged and very open,it is best to have it stitched by your vet, If bleeding profusely first make certain it is not an artery (this would be bright red and pumping),bandage firmly with a pressure pad and leave for the blood to coagulate. Do not remove the dressing too soon as you could start the wound bleeding again. If a small wound dust with antiseptic powder and leave. If an artery has been severed, put a tourniquet in between the heart and the wound and take immediately to the vet. Never leave a tourniquet on for more than 20 minutes. Release for a few minutes so as to allow blood into the limb again.(liquid plastic skin dressing applied to cuts on pads is very helpful for quick healing).


are usually found when grooming your dog you will find small hard lumps which, when squeezed, emit hard, string-like pus. When empty, dab with disinfectant. they will often disappear as quickly as they appeared.


the signs hepatitis are drowsiness, vomiting, loss of appetite, high temperature, and great thirst. These signs may be accompanied by swelling of the head neck, and abdomen. Vomiting may also occur. This disease strikes quickly, and death may occur in only a few hours. An annual booster shot is needed after the initial series of puppy.


is a condition in which liquid feces are expelled at frequent intervals, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. The dog may look generally unwell and should be kept extra warm. Withhold all food, giving only boiled water with a little added glucose and, if the condition persists for more than a few hours, get veterinary advice. Stress, over-excitement, and an excess of milk or a change in diet can give a dog loose motions, but this condition, not to be confused with true diarrhoea, is easily put right by reversing the causative effect, By introducing peace and quiet or a bland diet, or by not giving any more milk, the motion should quickly return to normal.


is a infectious canine disease which can be prevented by vaccination. A puppy or dog normally acquires this infection by breathing air contaminated by droplets sneezed or coughed out by another infected dog. The incubation period is thought to vary from five to twenty-eight days,but an infected puppy can show symptoms within ten days. The disease causes an initial rise in temperature, usually followed by discharges from the eyes and nose and accompanied by a cough. The dog or puppy may also vomit and have diarrhoea. Within a short while, the animal becomes thoroughly depressed and lethargic, and refuses to eat. The invading virus tends to attack the nervous system and causes fits and convulsions. Dedicated nursing, combined with constant, careful veterinary attention, are required if there is to be any hope of recovery.


examine these regularly to make certain they are clean and free from wax. Calamine lotion is excellent for cleaning ears. Soak a tissue in it and then clean. If the wax is a dark reddish colour there is an infection. Your vet will give you an ointment to put in the ear night and morning which will soon clear this up. If the ear is sore and has a pus-like, smelly discharge, your dog is suffering from otitis (canker). Professional advice is best sought in this case.


is a skin disease which may be caused by one of a number of factors including allergic reaction. Dogs sometimes develop dry skin conditions when feed a faulty diet. In cases of (wet) eczema the skin is red and looks wet and raw, with pus-like crusts, it is probably wet eczema. Treat with sulphur-based ointment, but if it continues then a visit to the vet is indicated. He will probably give an injection or pills to help. some dogs are allergic to straw so if you are using this for bedding try changing to shaving or newspaper.


sometimes occurs in a bitch who has had a big litter and is being deprived of calcium, due to her inability to mobilize it quickly enough. She will start to stagger, look glassy eyed and then collapse. Immediate veterinary attention is essential or else this condition will prove fatal. Your vet will give a calcium injection and your bitch will quickly return to normal.


are parasites which live on dogs they are not hard to get rid of there is some good insecticide shampoos and sprays that can be bought from your vets or a good pet store. Fleas bite through the dogs skin to suck their blood, They can transmit several disease and act as hosts to the tape worm. The presence of fleas is indicated by tiny black grits, their excreta, found in the dogs coat, particularly behind the ears and along the spine towards the tail. and also in the fine hair on the inside of the thighs.


or convulsions, are sometimes experienced by puppy's and dogs. They may be epileptic in origin and therefore hereditary, or they may be brought on by pain, a nervous upset or extreme fear. When having a fit , a dog stops in its tracks and falls onto its side, tremors rack its body and it may pass urine and feces. keep it very quiet and, if possible, put something over the animals until it stops fitting. Take care not to get bitten, apply cold compresses to the animals neck and head. Have the dog thoroughly checked out to make sure that the action of its heart is not impaired, and if the fits persist you must take veterinary advice regarding the dogs future.


(suggestions) Adhesive tape, - Antihistamine tablets (for stings), Antiseptic dusting powder or cream, - Bandages (crepe,)(cotton,) lint or sterile dressing,in two widths; - Calamine lotion; - Cough mixture; - Cotton wool/buds; - Curved scissors; - Disinfectant; - Ear ointment;(from vet) - Eye ointment;(from vet) - Gauze; - Honey; - Kaolin/Milk magnesia;(for up set stomachs) - Liquid parrifin; - Nail clippers; - Plastic skin dressing; - Thermometer; - Tweezers;(blunt-ended) - Vaseline; - Washing soda.


covers a variety of bowel conditions, the symptoms of which are sickness and diarrhoea. Enteritis is the inflammation of the bowel and in a mild form it is quickly cured by kaolin-based medication. Starve for two days, giving only small drinks of honey and water. This gives the bowel a chance to heal and also slows down the whole digestive system. If the dog passes or vomits blood and has a temperature your vet will prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic. After a serious attack of enteritis, pancreatic deficiency or malabsorption problems can occur. A feces or blood test is required to ascertain whether either is present. These two problems, believed by some to be hereditary, may be the answer to your dogs poor condition in spite of eating well. Soft mud or grey coloured greasy motions are classic symptoms. With both these complaints the digestive system is not absorbing all the food, hence the poor condition. Once diagnosed, tablets are given which help to control this problem but the dog must be kept on a very bland diet such as rice and boiled chicken. In some cases it is incurable but controllable.


is an emergency which requires immediate attention. Dogs left in cars, tied up in full sun, or left in concrete runs without suitable shade can all develop heat stroke. special care must be taken to shade for your dog when living in hot climates. Heat stroke starts with rapid, frantic breathing. The tongue and mucous membranes are bright red and the dog will start staggering. Put it in a tub of cold water or hose down with a garden hose. It is imperative to bring the temperature down as quickly as possible or this will prove fatal. Ice packs around the body (packets of frozen veggies can be used) will also help.


are used to administer antibiotics and vaccines into the system of the dog. Most injections are quite painless but, if you are upset by the sight and the use of hypodermic needles, make sure that a nurse or assistant is available to handle your dog when an injection is necessary, so that your distress is not transmitted to your pet.


are pus-filled lumps appearing in between the toes, which burst but usually reappear again, are painful and can cause lameness. Try hot fomentations, dry and then dust with an antiseptic powder. If they continue consult your vet. With all the above, a change of diet is indicated. Cut out carbohydrates, especially flaked maize. Include garlic in the diet as this is an excellent blood purifier.


describes a situation in which the bowel telescopes in upon itself. Usually caused by vomiting and diarrhoea. Surgery is usually successful if diagnosed early.


uncommon, appears at around eight-nine months of age and looks like a white film which gradually covers the whole eye. Can be operate on to improve vision. Is hereditary and so this shepherd should not be bred from.


can be caused by a strained muscle or tendon. Keep the dog quiet with minimum amount of exercise. If this does not improve within a few days seek expert veterinary advice.


spend their life cycle on the dog. After laying their small white eggs, called nits, they firmly attach them to individual hairs. The adult insects are slow-moving and grey, slightly than a pin-head. Insecticidal shampoo will kill the adults, but an infected animal must be carefully and meticulously combed, too, to try remove the eggs. It is normally necessary to give a series of shampoos to effectively cure a dog or puppy heavily infested with lice.


is caused by the presence of tiny mites. The sarcoptic mange mite burrows into the skin to lay its eggs and, in doing so, gives rise to areas of intense irritation. The sites chosen by this parasite include the ear flaps, hocks and upper limbs. The demodectic mange mite is microscopic and spends its life in the hair follicles and sebacous glands of the dog. Its presence is seen when scaly, discolored patches devoid of hair appear in the dog's coat. Infection with mange is very debilitating, and the condition needs very careful and methodical treatment under veterinary supervision to clear the problem.


is inflammation of the womb which usually occurs within a week of whelping. The bitch becomes listless, sometimes will start straining and often fever will set in. Consult your vet immediately who will give a course of antibiotics which will soon clear up this condition.


this is inflammation of the kidneys, often caused by an infectious agent. The dog may drink a lot of water and urinate a lot. Older dogs can also suffer from this and we have found herbal remedies very useful as treatment. Barly water, made by boiling pearl barly for 30 minutes or soaking flaked barley overnight and then straining, is best form of drinking water for a dog suffering from this condition. Your vet will prescribe an antibiotic.


uncommon. A form of corneal inflammation which affects both eyes and is characterized by a pink or pigmented membrane growing across the cornea. Con result in blindness.


the most common are warfarin, used in rat and mouse bait, lead and metaidehyde found in slug bait. If you suspect your dog has eaten any of these try to induce vomiting by pushing a lump of washing soda down its throat and get to the vet as quickly as possible. And tell him what type of poison you suspect your dog has eaten.


a much more serious infection of the womb, which in this case becomes filled with pus. An immediate hysterectomy is the only solution. Can be fatal if not dealt with immediately. Sometimes older bitches develop this three or four weeks after finishing a season.


is an unpleasant condition of the mouth caused by an accumulation of tartar on the teeth which presses on the gums, causing inflammation and pain. The first signs of this condition includes offensive breath and discoloration of the teeth. It is often caused by feeding soft food and may be prevented by giving your dog hard biscuits and rawhide chews to gnaw on from an early age.


an inflammation of the lung usually caused by a bacterial infection but can also be caused by shock and viruses. The dog's breathing becomes shallow and laboured, and you can hear a bubbling sound if you pit your ear close to the dog's chest. The dog will usually have a high temperature (about 4o'c/104'f). Keep warm, especially the chest area. An old cardigan or pullover can be very useful in these cases. Your vet will probably prescribe a broad spectrum antibiotic.


is caused by a fungus and it is contagious, so isolation is essential. All bedding must be burnt and the kennel scrubbed out thoroughly with disinfectant. You will see rapidly spreading bare patches which can occur on any part of the body. Clip hair round edges and treat with a fungistatic solution. If there is no improvement consult your vet who will prescribe a suitable drug, which will soon cure it.


usually found in young puppies. If the puppy looks thin or bloated this can sometimes be the cause. Worm with a preparation containing a suitable verifuge and repeat ten days later.


if your German Shepherd dog has been stung by a wasp or bee etc remove the sting where possible and give antihistamine tablets. If the sting is on the eye or tongue and there is excessive swelling, consult your vet immediately.


this is a bacterial infection and, in an acute form fever can occur. Treatment with antibiotics usually effects a cure. Feed on a liquid diet and keep the dog warm and quiet. TICKS any body who lives in the countryside, where there is sheep and deer, will sooner or later find a tick on there dog. Do not pull it off, as, if the head remains in the skin it can cause nasty sores. Cut the tick in half with sharp scissors; the head should then drop off. If this does not work. get some surgical spirits and dab the area this should then remove it.


these can be painful and sometimes very hard to remove. Soften the surrounding area by applying a hot compress and then extract with tweezers. Dab with disinfectant, dry carefully and dust with antiseptic powder. Make certain you have got rid of all the thorn.


if your dog develops a smelly breath or starts pawing its mouth or rubbing along the ground, you can suspect tooth problems. Sometimes, in older dogs, ulcers and bad teeth can occur. These can be extracted if necessary by a veterinary surgeon, but a general anaesthetic is necessary. A weekly marrow bone or hard biscuit will keep the teeth clean and in good condition. If you find them getting dirty, persuade your dentist to let you have an old teeth scaler and gently scrape the teeth but be careful not to damage the gums. If your dog is uncooperative a visit to the vet is indicated.


this is an inflammation of the vagina and can also occur during puberty. The bitch will lick herself and urinate a lot. A vaginal douche and antibiotics will soon correct this. VOMITING is quiet a common occurrence when a dog is still in the puppy stages, they will quiet often gulp there food down quickly then throw it back up, they will then re-eat it again as part of there natural digestive processes. Eating rough grass often induces vomiting, too, and is generally thought to be beneficial to digestion. A dog or puppy that vomits water as well as food, looks off-colour and cold and also has diarrhoea, is very sick indeed and needs veterinary help without delay.


are disease which you and your dog can catch from one another. Because such diseases do exist you should always wash your hands after handling or playing with your pet. It should have its own bedding and feeding bowls, which must be kept clean and fresh as your own, and you should not allow it to lick your hands or face.